Thursday, March 4, 2010

Infinitec announces 'world's first' Infinite USB memory drive

As mesmerizing as it sounds. The worlds first USB drive with unlimited data streaming is here.

Infinitec has debuted what is reportedly the world’s first Infinite USB memory drive, allowing users to stream content from their PCs to most other gadgets all thanks to a little USB stick.
The Infinitec IUM is a plug-and-play device that claims to be compatible with with any device that supports traditional flash drives or has a USB port. Users can stream and share content, even HD media, between devices over a Wi-Fi network (802.11b/g/n).
Since it streams rather than holds content, there is an “infinite” amount of storage space. Get it?
Some suggested devices include computers/laptops/netbooks, gaming consoles (i.e. Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 if it ever works again), DVD/Blu-ray players and even digital photo frames. Just note that the host laptop for the drive, however, has to be running Windows XP, Vista or 7.
Infinitec is planning a major international release for their little gadget, when it is debuted in the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Middle East this July 1 for $129. That price, though, could change from country to country.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Switch to AHCI in Windows 7 ! (post Installation)

AHCI stands for Advanced Host Controller Interface. Its a technology for our hardware peripherals which enables our other hardware to communicate with more efficiently and hence improving our machines performance.

If you want to switch to AHCI after installing Windows 7, you’ll need to modify your registry and boot settings. I highly recommend to take your time to work through this Windows 7 tutorial, because AHCI has many advantages: It allows you to use hard drive features, such as NCQ (Native Command Queuing) or eSATA-Hot-Plugging, which can speed up Windows 7 if you are using a RAID drive.

1. Open regedit.exe (enter regedit.exe into search field)
2. Uncollapse the registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\msahci

3. Modify the key “Start” to “0″
Alternatively, you can download our registry tweak or insert the following text into a notepad, save it as a .reg file and start it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

4. Next time you restart, Windows 7 will load the default drivers for AHCI (msahci.sys) and will use it for queuing SATA-controllers and their drives that run in AHCI-mode. So, the next step will be to switch your current SATA controllers from IDE to AHCI, else Windows 7 would still queue them via IDE and note via AHCI.

5. Restart and press “del” during start up to enter the BIOS.
Find your SATA-controller (read your motherboards manual for instructions) and change the mode from IDE to AHCI. Keep in mind that some motherboards don’t even support AHCI!

6. Done. You successfully switched to AHCI in Windows 7. Your disk performance can increase significantly if you are using a RAID drive and AHCI. A RAID drive is basically a combined set of two drives (of the same type and size)  for better reliability/performance.

Google Analytics!! (Infographic)

Google sure has come a long way since it launch from 97. have a look at the details and the statistics.

PayPal India To Resume From March 3

PayPal to resume its bank withdrawals for Indian merchants from March 3, after the country’s central bank RBI allowed the online bank to resume the services with its existing rules and regulations.

Farahad Irani, Head of PayPal India said in his blog,” We are currently making changes to comply with Indian regulations for settlements for exports of goods and services, and we anticipate that as of Wednesday, Mar. 3, we will be able to resume the bank withdrawal service,"

He also apologized for all inconvenience experienced by the customers in the past few weeks.It has been four weeks, when the PayPal started blocking the personal transactions of Indian customers.

As per the new changes, the PayPal users now have to fill the new field called ‘export code’ before requesting for the withdrawal. Under the Current Indian Laws this information will be help full in finding the nature of cross-border merchant transactions.

Google Has Heart too- launches Person Finder for Chile Earthquake Victims

Google has always made his present felt in many ways in normal person's life. From april fool's prank to supporting world's fetivals by changing doodles every now and then.

But by launching this person finder for haiti people, google seems to be succeeding in any way it can. Google has launched a person finder service for chile haiti victims. The service has two options. People can click on “I have information about someone” and report a person. The site currently supports Englisha dn Spanish

As you can see the site tracks about “18400″ records by 7 PM IST. Remember Google launched a personal finder for Haiti earth quake ( ) and it is now tracking about 58700 records.

Please check out and support this noble cause ( )

Symbian announces Symbian^3 and immediately gives it away !!

With the the launch of mobile OS from apple and windows and android. Symbian was badly shaken. Everyone has the fear of competition in the market. The launched OS’es were also the result of the fear. Competition always to the betterment of the product. Hence Symbian is not working on Nokia Symbian S^4 UI. There are couple of video of the new look of the symbian OS circling around. Though there are not much exciting features. But still there are quite a few enhancements to look out for.

Have a glimpse at the videos

Enjoy :)

Better Gaming Experience with iPhone

Everyone is in love with the technologies new leap with the launch of the Iphone. Also iPhone was declared as the best mobile gaming platform. iPhone provided the nest stage to multimedia and not to forget gaming experience. With the new touch and motion sensors technology, gaming got a new edge. I myself laid my hands on the racing games on iPhones, and not to mention the feel was amazing.

Now we have another innovation in the mobile gaming experience. With the launch of the iControlPad for iPhone, we might be able to experience mobile gaming with even more facilities.

Check out the video and the video and the pic to get the glance of the invention. The company who launched the product has informed that the the mass production will soon start of this marvelous product but it will be limited.

The control pad will have:
  • D-pad
  • ABXY action buttons
  • Start and Select function keys
  • Supplement battery in the advanced versions